Advertise with us!
Advertise to thousands of viewers in print and online, while supporting the arts in your community! Your ad will appear in print in all season concert programs, and online if your ad package includes that option. Our concert programs are printed and produced with the highest quality graphics and printing standards available, perfect for advertising your business.
All advertisers receive our free monthly community e-newsletter and an invitation to an exclusive donor reception at the end of the season!

ALL ad purchases include:
+ Our monthly community e-newsletter
+ Invitation to exclusive donor reception with CES
+ Ads run in all concert programs for one season
Website only
+ $100 for clickable ad or logo
Small ad
+ $200 for 1/8 page (business card size)
Medium ad
+ $400 for 1/4 page
Large ad
+ $800 for 1/2 page
+ Includes clickable ad or logo on website
Full ad
+ $1,500 for full page
+ Includes clickable ad or logo on website
+ VIP seating at all season events
Fill in the order form below and follow instructions for sending your ad copy or contacting us with further instructions.
We appreciate you!
Your generosity will keep music and the arts thriving in our community!
Ad sales are not tax deductible. Carolyn Eynon Singers is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. All donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law; see our schedule of donor benefits for more information if you wish to become a donor and receive our donor benefits. Tax ID 80-0316763. For more information, please contact